

GBK Golden Globes Gift Suite

January 8-10, 2009

Vemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden Globes
Vemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden GlobesVemma at the Golden Globes GBK Oscar Gift Suite

February 20-21, 2009

Vemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the OscarsVemma at the Oscars

包柏-普克特(Bob Proctor)  國際知名的潛能開發大師

我是 包柏-普克特(Bob Proctor),從事心靈引導與潛能開發的工作,協助許多人或是企業找到真正能夠成功的方法。

『秘密』- The Secret 是一本世界聞名的著作,我在秘密裡談到人們該如何應用吸引力法則去得到想要的事物 。

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